Monday, February 25, 2013

So a Girl Walks Into a Comic Book Store...

Posted by Ally at Monday, February 25, 2013 2 comments
That could be the beginning of an epic one liner about geeks and girls or whatever, I'm sure someone a lot funnier than I am could do something seriously funny with it but I want to focus on real life.

For instance, I'm pretty sure I gave that guy at the comic book store a heart attack. I've never seen some one look so shocked to see me some place. He totally even did a double take. Like, is this person lost and confused? Nooooo, just a geek looking to buy a comic book. I've been in a lot of comic book stores over the years, I used to frequent them rather often when I was in high school and early years of college but for some reason I kind of fell out of the comic book thing. Until last week when I decided I was missing the X-Men a little hardcore and decided to pop into the shop by my job. That guy's face, I will never forget it. My main mission was to pick up where I left with Uncanny X-men, which was like a while ago and apparently ended (more or less) in 2011.

A little late to jump on that band wagon again, but as luck would have it I'm just in time for Marvel Now! initiative. Basically, they're rebooting a ton of series and now is a great time to get back in to comics. I am especially looking forward to the new X-Men comic debuting in April. It stars and all female main cast, including Kitty Pryde, Storm, Rogue, Rachel Grey, Psylocke, and all time favorite Jubilee (who just happens to be looking to shape up to be the main character of the story)! Looking at the Marvel release calender is super unhelpful though. They don't have an official release date for the first book, but they do for the second. What's up with that? I want to pin it down so I make sure I get it as soon as it comes out!

I also want to pick up the Wolverine and Jubilee book, Curse of the Mutants. I'm totally looking forward to getting it. I would have bought it if they'd had it at the comic store, but they had just about every other Wolverine collection out there except that one! I'm going to order it on Friday as an early birthday present to myself. And of course, while I was browsing for that I might have saw about two dozen other comics I'd be interested in purchasing. Here's hoping I can contain myself to just two series and don't get crazy. Though considering all the options I'm not entirely sure that's going to remain true.

Look's like I'm going to give that comic book store guy another heart attack just by showing up again next week too. Poor man.

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