I'm not very organized. At least not in the traditional sense. I can almost always find anything I'm looking for, but good luck to any one else searching through my stuff to find it. I try to be organized though. I spend a lot of money on closets and bins and baskets, drawer organizers, and cabinets but in the end it doesn't really matter. Because I am a messy person. Still I am always proud when I manage to organize anything to that it actually works (easier). I spent all of Sunday doing just that to my closet/clothing.
I had strep in October and whatever organization that had been left over from the summer died a horrible, horrible death once I got sick. Along with feeling like death, I let all of my laundry and laundry baskets pile up. And pile they did. They took over half my bedroom. I wish I had taken a before photo because it was a hot mess. Clothes falling out of the closet and out of baskets and multiplying on the floor. I finally tackled that mess though and I managed to triumph. My closet is now more organized, though there are still something I would like to change. But most importantly everything has a place and everything is in it's place. All my belts are hanging up and not willy nilly every where. My dresses are hanging, my skirts, my pants, my shirts.

These might seem a little OCD, but I often throw things in my closet where ever they fit. This will definitely help me keep things organized and make it easier to find what I'm looking for. Plus, things are less likely to get lost in the closet's black hole area since everything has a place and it's easy to find it now.
Belts/Accessories area. You can see some of these things are from quite a long while ago (based on the styles/colors).
The closet all organized and labeled.
I'm really loving the labels!
And this isn't really in my closet, but it's next to it! And it's organization! So it counts, right? One of my many shoe racks. I love shoes. I wish I had more in unconventional colors. I usually end up sticking to brown/tan and black just because those are colors that are in my wardrobe a lot already and are easy to coordinate.
I also sorted through my mostly unused drawers and did some organizing there too. I got rid of some of my 50 sets of pajamas, some of which I've had since nearly middle school. Don't even ask me why they are still around! They aren't any more. I have a ton of things to donate. I also went through the cloths sitting in the back of my closet and tossed or donated anything that didn't fit or that I will never wear. My donation pile is rather huge.
All of this organization and cleaning always makes me proud of myself. I just wish I didn't have to tackle this job every time the seasons change. But, I can accept myself as I am. I know I'm messy and at least I try to be somewhat organized. I'll never be perfect, but I'll keep working on it. Hopefully someday the big closet clean out won't have to happen four times a year.
Now, on to the craft room!
(I weep at the thought.)